History of Japanese footwear. About the footwear of Japanese people before Western shoes became widespread, such as 草鞋(straw sandals), 雪駄(setta), 下駄(geta), and 足袋(tabi).

「Shoes unique to Japan」Introducing traditional Japanese footwear.
Today in Japan, where dress shoes were introduced from Europe, they are no longer worn regularly.
However, even today, they are often worn when wearing a 着物(kimono), 甚平(jinbei), or 浴衣(yukata), or at Japanese festivals.
In addition, all of these footwear are suitable for Japan’s humid climate, so modern versions of these footwear have become popular recently.
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(説明文:靴のパラダイス店長 大嶋信之/explanation:Nobuyuki Oshima)
Waraji are sandal-like footwear made from rice straw.

Waraji(Footwear made of rice straw)is one of the traditional footwear from Ancient Japan.
It is said that it began to be made in the Nara period.
A long cord ties the heel, toe, and ankle to secure the foot.
On unpaved roads, gravel fills the gaps between the straw and maintains the wear resistance of the bottom surface. It is not durable and is not suitable for paved asphalt roads.

A craftsman who knits straw to make Waraji.
In the past, the production of sandals and other clothing using rice straw was an important source of income for the Japanese people.

The Big waraji(大草鞋/Ohwaraji)are hung behind the Houzoumon (Nioumon) Gate of Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo.
This large waraji is dedicated once every 10 years by the Murayama City Hosankai in Yamagata Prefecture, and began in 1944 and will be in its 8th generation in 2018.
This waraji uses 2,500 kg of straw and takes a total of 800 craftsmen about a month to make.
Waraji is said to be the footwear of the Nio-sama who protects the temple, and it is said that evil spirits leave the temple in surprise, thinking, “A person wearing such a large waraji protects this temple.”

Straw boots called 「深靴 fukagutsu(deep shoes)」or「雪靴 yukigutsu(shoes for snow)」.
In the past, Japanese people used straw to make clothes that were essential to their lives in the winter after they had finished growing rice.
The photo shows footwear for when it snows, called「深靴 fukagutsu (deep shoes)」, also called「雪靴 yukigutsu (snow shoes)」.

Zori sandals are similar to grass sandals, but the shape of the laces is different.The laces are attached only to the toes, called「鼻緒(hanao)」, and are shaped like modern-day flip-flops. It is said to have been created in the middle of the Heian period.
They are worn by placing a thong between the big toe and second toe to secure the foot.
Sandals made from straw are called 「藁草履(wara zori)」,and zori without heels are called 「足半(ashinaka)」.
During the Meiji and Taisho periods, sandals with boards, tires, and rubber were invented, and they were widely worn in Japan from the Meiji period until the early Showa period, when Western shoes became popular.

Setta is a type of zori sandals, a traditional sandal from the Edo period that is made from bamboo leather with leather pasted on the back to make it waterproof, and a heel of the leather sole attached to the heel for durability footwear.
Even today, when men wear kimono, they often use setta.
Wearing setta from childhood allows the feet to spread out and stabilize, making it less likely that bunions will occur, and the feet will not get stuffy and will be less prone to developing athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). Footwear suitable for humid Japan.

Geta (geta) is also one of Japan’s traditional footwear.
The base is made of wood such as paulownia or bamboo, and the feet are secured by passing the fingers through the thong.
It is said that during the Heian and Nara periods, local powerful families wore them as a symbol of authority, and until the Edo period, wealthy people wore them for fashion.
In the Meiji and Taisho eras, it began to be produced by machines and became popular among the masses.
They were useful in Japan, where there is a lot of rain, because they didn’t sink and didn’t get your feet dirty even on muddy roads.

Tabi is a type of underwear made of cotton cloth that is worn on the feet, and is secured with a unique clasp called「小鉤(kohaze)」. Used when wearing zori sandals, setta, and geta.
There are also leather tabi socks made from bearskin, deerskin, monkeyskin, etc.
「Tabi」 is said to have its origins in Nara period cloth footwear with an undivided thumb called 「襪(shitauzu)」, and leather footwear for going out called 「単皮(tanpi)」.

Even today, 「tabi」 and 「zori」are common footwear worn with kimono for both men and women.

Nowadays, many tabi socks with rubber soles for outdoor wear called ”地下足袋(jikatabi)” are sold.
There are ”祭足袋(matsuri tabi)”, which are worn for labor and festivals.

『The Tabi and Lifestyle Museum』is located in Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture.(Photo: shoepara.jp)
A museum where you can experience tabi making, built on the site of an actual tabi factory. It is open only on Saturdays and Sundays.
Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture, is known as a famous producer of tabi socks, which at one time boasted an 80% share of the national market.
Saitama Prefecture is still the second largest producer of tabi socks after Tokushima Prefecture.
「文(MON)」 is a unique Japanese unit of foot size used during the Edo period.
A MON is said to be the size of a coin, and one MON is approximately 2.4cm.
It was used in Japan before the centimeter came into use.
【現代のサイズ(cm)との換算表/Conversion table with modern size (cm)】
21.5cm/九文(9 MON)
22.0cm/九文三分(9 and 1/3 MON)
22.5cm/九文半(9.5 MON)
23.0cm/九文七分(9 and 7/10 MON)
23.5cm/九文八分(9 and 8/10 MON)
24.0cm/十文(10 MON)
24.5cm/十文三分(10 and 1/3 MON)
25.0cm/十文半(10.5 MON)
25.5cm/十文七分(10 and 7/10 MON)
26.0cm/十一文(11 MON)
26.5cm/十一文三分(11 and 1/3 MON)
27.0cm/十一文半(11.5 MON)
28.0cm/十二文(12 MON)
29.0cm/十二文半(12.5 MON)
30.0cm/十三文(13 MON)
Until Western-style shoes became popular, the above type of footwear was worn in Japan.
Because footwear without heels was the mainstream, Japanese people apparently walked with their center of gravity on their toes.Also, because their feet often got dirty outside, it was customary to wash them at the door of the house, but this custom disappeared as shoes that covered the feet became popular.
What I felt was that there was a material and function that made sense in Japan, which has a humid climate, and I was once again interested in it.
It might not be suitable for modern paved roads, but I thought it would be nice to bring back a shoe that combines these benefits with improved materials and modernized designs and materials.
関連ページ(Related pages)

Japanese words used when shopping at Japanese shoe stores(日本の靴屋で買い物をする際に使われる日本語)
We will explain the English translations of Japanese words used when shopping at Japanese shoe stores.
Please use this information when buying shoes in Japan.

The size of Japanese leathershoes and the size of nationalbrand sneakers are different.