We will explain the English translations of Japanese words and conversation used when shopping at Japanese shoe stores.
Please use this information when buying shoes in Japan.
▼ basic words/基本単語
▼ Welcome (into a store) /いらっしゃいませ(来店する)
▼ Conversation with the store clerk/店員さんとの会話
▼ Try on shoes/試し履き(試着)する
▼ Check price/値段を確認する
▼ Payment/支払う
・Receive change/おつりを受け取る
▼ Receive/受け取る
▼ Finish shopping/お買い物終了
▼ 『Anatomy of Shoes』Names of parts of shoe/靴の部位の名称
▼ Polite language,Honorific language, humble language/丁寧語、敬語、謙譲語
▼ Extra edition (Japanese slang)/番外編(日本語スラング)
▼ Related pages(関連ページ)
(explanation:Nobuyuki Oshima/説明文:靴のパラダイス店長 大嶋信之)
basic words/基本単語
First, let’s introduce some basic words.(まず、基本的な単語を紹介します。)
・leather shoes=革靴(かわぐつ/kawa-gutsu)、レザーシューズ(leather shoes/lezah-syuuzu)
・men’s shoes=紳士靴(しんしぐつ/shinshi-gutsu)、メンズシューズ(men’s shoes/menzu-syuuzu)
・woman’s shoes=婦人靴(ふじんぐつ/fujin-gutsu)、レディースシューズ(ladies shoes/lediisu-syuuzu)
Welcome(Enter the store) /いらっしゃいませ(入店する)

When you enter the store, the clerk will say, 「irasshaimase(Japanaese”Welcome”).
Usually, you don’t need to react at all. It’s okay to give a slight nod.
「irasshaimase(いらっしゃいませ)」is a unique commercial Japanese word that means “welcome to our store” .
Conversation with the store clerk/店員さんとの会話

After looking at the products for a while, a store employee will talk to you.
Usually, they say, 「yoroshikereba, size wo omochishimasu node,omoushitsuke-kudasai./よろしければ、(あなたの)サイズをお持ちしますので、お申し付けください/If you don’t mind, I’ll bring your size to you, so let me know.」.
I think it corresponds to “May I help you?” at a regular store(other than a shoe store).
このかけ声(フレーズ)は、通常のお店(靴屋以外)の「May I help you?」に該当するかと思います。
「yoroshikereba, size wo omochishimasu node,omoushitsuke-kudasai.」
(よろしければ、サイズ を お持ちします ので、お申し付け-ください)
・「yoroshikereba(よろしければ)」means “If you don’t mind” or “If you like”
・「omochishimasu(お持ちします)」=I’ll bring it to you
・「momoushitsuke(お申し付け)」=tell us
No thanks(結構です)
・kekkou=I do not need it
・desu=polite phrases
Now I’m just looking(今は、ただ見ているだけです)
「ima ha(wa),miteru dake desu」
・desu=polite phrases
I want you to bring 26.0cm and 26.5cm.(26センチと26.5センチを持ってきて来てほしい)
「ni-jyuu-roku-centi to ni-jyuu-roku ten go-centi wo mottekite-hoshii」
Try on shoes/試し履き(試着)する

Try on shoes to check size.
If the size is too tight, tell the store clerk, 「kitsui(きつい)/tight」.
If the size is too loose, tell the store clerk, 「yurui(ゆるい)/loose」.
Ask the store clerk to bring you another size.
■Example of what a store clerk says(店員の声かけ例)
How about the size?=「size ha(wa) ikaga-desu-ka?」(さいずは、いかがですか?)
・desu=polite phrases
・ka=question form
It suits you very well=「totemo oniai-desu」(とても お似合い です)
・oniai=suits well
・desu=polite phrases
■Example response(返答例)
・liked it=ki ni irimasita(気に入りました)
・I don’t like it=ki ni irimasen(気に入りません)
・I’ll take it=kore,kaimasu(これ、買います)
・I don’t need it this time=konkai wa yameteokimasu(今回は要りません)
・I’ll stop buying it=kau no wo yamemasu(買うのをやめます)
■Words about shoe size(靴のサイズ感の言い回し)
・just size=pittari(ぴったり)、choudo-yoi(ちょうど良い)
・very loose=bukabuka(ぶかぶか)
The size is good, but the width is tight.=「size(saizu) ha(wa) yoi desu ga, haba ga kitsui desu」(サイズは良いですが、幅がきついです)
・desu=polite phrases
・desu=polite phrases
■Availability of stock(在庫の有無)
・In stock=zaiko-ari(在庫あり)
・Out of stock=zaiko-nashi(在庫なし)、zaiko-kire(在庫切れ)
Check price/値段を確認する

Check the price of the product.
If you don’t know the price, ask the store clerk,「kore-wa,ikura-desuka?(これは、いくらですか?)/How much is this?」.
「kore ha(wa),ikura desu+ka?」(これ-は、いくら-です+か?)
・ikura=how much
・desu=polite phrases
・ka?=question form
Check whether it 「zei-komi(税込み)/includes tax」or「zei-nuki(税抜き)/excludes tax」.

Once you have decided on the items you want to purchase, pay the bill.
Tell the clerk your preferred payment method, such as cash or credit card.
■Example of staff shouting(店員のかけ声例)
Is it okay to pay in cash?=「o-shiharai ha(wa) genkin de yoroshii desyou-ka?」(お支払いは、現金 で よろしい でしょうか?)
・o=polite phrases
・shiharai =Payment method
・desyou(desu)=polite phrases
・ka?=question form
Is it okay to pay by credit card as a lump-sum payment(one-time payment)?=「credit card no oshiharai ha(wa) ikkatsu-barai de yoroshii-deshou-ka?」(クレジットカード の お支払い方法 は 一括払い で よろしい でしょうか?)
・creditcard(kurejitto-caado)=credit card
・o=polite phrases
・shiharai =Payment method
・ikkatsu-barai=Lump-sum payment
・desyou(desu)=polite phrases
・ka?=question form
■Example response(返答例)
I’ll pay cash=「genkin de shiharai-masu」(現金 で 支払い ます)
・masu=polite phrases
I’ll pay by credit card=「creditcard de shiharai-masu」(クレジットカード で 支払い ます)
・creditcard(kurejitto-caado)=credit card
・masu=polite phrases
Pay in one lump sum with credit card=「creditcard no ikkatsu-barai de shiharai-masu」(クレジットカード の 一括括払い で 支払い ます)
・creditcard(kurejitto-caado)=credit card
・ikkatsu-barai=Lump-sum payment
・masu=polite phrases
●credit card installment payment(クレジットカードの分割払い)
・Lump-sum pay,pay in full=ikkatu-barai(一括払い)、ikkai-barai(一回払い)
・pay in two installments=ni-kai-barai(2回の分割払い)
・pay in three installments=san-kai-barai(3回の分割払い)
ikkatsu,ikkai=one time
(ichi=1,one/ichi-kai=ikkai=one time)
Receive change/おつりを受け取る

If you pay change, a receipt, or a credit card, a receipt will be issued and you will receive it.
■Example of staff shouting(店員のかけ声例)
Since you paid 10,000 yen, you will have 1,500 yen in change.=「10,000(ichi-mann)-yen(en) oazukri simasita(oshiharai itadaki-mashita)-node 2,500(ni-sen-gohyaku)yen(en) no okaesi(otsuri) de gozaimasu」(10000 円 お預かり しました ので、1500 円 の お返し で ござい ます。)
・mann=10000,ten thousand
・o=polite phrases
・itadaki-masita=I received it
・gozaimasu=there is
This is a copy of your credit card, please check it.=「creditcard(kurejitto-card) no ohikae desu,otashikame kudasai」(クレジットカード の お控え です、お確かめ ください)
・creditcard(kurejitto-card) =credit card
・o=polite phrases
・hikae=copy of your credit card
■Example response(返答例)
It seems like I don’t have enough change by 200 yen.=「otsuri ga 200(ni-hyaku) yen(en) tarinai you-desu」(お釣りが 200円 足りないようです)
・tarinai=not enough,shortage
・you=It seems like
・desu=polite phrases
Credit card payment amount is incorrect=「creditcard(kurejitto-card) no shiharai kingaku ga machigatte imasu」(クレジットカード の 支払い金額 が 間違って います)
・creditcard(kurejitto-card)=credit card
・imasu(masu)=polite phrases
Receive the product/商品(お品物)を受け取る

Once you have paid and the store staff has placed your item in a bag, they may offer to take it to the exit of the store instead of handing it over to you about「omise no deguchi made omochi-shimasu(お店の出口まで商品をお持ちします)/I’ll take it to the exit of the store.」
「omise no deguchi made omochi-shimasu」(お店 の 出口 まで お持ち-します)
Either say, 「ie, daijyoubu-desu(いえ、大丈夫です)/No, it’s okay」 and take it, or say, 「arigatou(ありがとう)/thank you」and take it at the exit.
「ie, daijyoubu-desu」(いえ、大丈夫-です)
・daijyoubu=it’s okay
・desu=polite phrases
In Japan, there is a business custom in which a product before a customer has decided to purchase it is called a 「商品(syouhin)/product」, and a product the customer has decided to purchase is called a「お品物(おしなもの/oshinamono)/item,goods」.
Finish shopping/お買い物終了

When you receive the item, the clerk will say,「arigatou-gozaimashita(ありがとうございました)/Thank you very much」and「mata okoshi-kudasai-mase(また お越しくださいませ)/Please come again」.If possible, respond with a slight nod.
・arigatou=thank you
・gozaimashita=very much
「mata okoshi-kudasai-mase」(また お越しくださいませ)
・mase=polite phrases
『Anatomy of shoes』Names of parts of shoe/靴の部位の名称
Introducing the Japanese names of the parts of shoes.

★Size matching at a shoe store(店頭でのサイズ合わせ項目)
・heel(ヒール hiilu)=★Does it match?(合っているか?)
・toe(つま先 tsumasaki/トゥ tou)=★Isn’t it tight?(キツくないか?)
・width(幅 haba/ワイズ waizu)=★Is it just right?(ちょうど良いか?)
・vamp(甲 kou)=★Is it just right?(ちょうど良いか?)
・atch(土踏まず tsuchifumazu/ふまず fumazu/アーチ archi)=★Does it match?(合っているか?)
・external ankle(外踝 soto-kurubushi/くるぶし kurubushi)=★Doesn’t it hit?(当たらないか?)
・eylet(アイレット ailetto/レースホール lacehole, leesu-hohlu)
・shoelace(靴紐 kutsu-himo/シューレース shoelace, syuu-leesu)
・facing(羽根 hane)
・tongue(タン tan/べろ bero)
・top line(トップライン topline, toppuline/履き口 haki-kuchi)
・lining(ライニング lining/裏地 uraji)
・insole(中敷き naka-jiki/インソール insole)
・welt(ウェルト welt/コバ koba)
・heel(ヒール heel)
・sole(ソール sole, sohlu)
Polite language,Honorific language, Humble language/丁寧語、敬語、謙譲語
We will introduce polite language, honorific language, and humble language that are often used when serving customers in Japan.
“o and go” is added to the beginning of various Japanese nouns and verbs to make them more polite.
However, it is difficult because it cannot be attached to any noun or verb.
■OK example
・o-haki(お履き)=wearing shoes
・go-raiten(ご来店・御来店)=visit us,visit our store,come in my store
・go-renraku(ご連絡・御連絡)=to contact
■NG example:
“itashi-masu(いたし ます)” is a humble form of “to do”.
「itashi(いたし)」means「itassu(いたす)」and means「do」in English.
It is a more polite expression with the addition of an「masu(ます)」.
“sasete-itadaki-masu(させて いただき ます)” is a humble expression of “I’ll let you do it.”
「sasete(させて)」 is a humble form of「suru(する)/do」 .「itadakki,itadaku(いただき、いただく)」 is a humble form of「morau(させて)もらう/I’ll let you(do)」.
It is a more polite expression with the addition of an「masu(ます)」.
・We will check the stock
zaiko wo kakunin itashi-masu(在庫を確認いたします)
zaiko wo kakunin sasete-itadaki-masu(在庫を確認させていただきます)
saseteitadakimasu=do,I will let you do
「yoroshikereba(よろしければ)」means「If you like」in English.
「moshi-yoroshikereba(もしよろしければ)」means「If you do not mind, If you’d like」in English.
Both phrases are often used in customer service.
・If you’d like, we’ll check the stock.
(moshi)yoroshikereba, zaiko wo kakunin itashi-masu((もし)よろしければ、在庫を確認いたします)
moshikereba=If you’d like
itashimasu=do,I will do
doumo(どうも)、doumo-doumo(どうも どうも)
=Hi, Hallo / very much
It also has the meaning of a greeting,it can be added to many different words.
doumo-dumo is often used as a greeting.
doumo itsumo osewa ni nattei-imasu(どうも、いつも お世話になっています)=Thank you very much for your help every time.
doumo arigatou(どうも ありがとう)=Thank you very much
doumo doumo(どうも どうも)=Hello
=Excuse me、sorry
In Japan, it is often used to humble oneself, rather than to apologize.
suimasen, pen wo totte kudasai(すいません、ペン を 取って ください)=Excuse me, please take the pen.
doumo suimasen(どうも すいません)=I’m sorry
It’s a filler word
=when you have time, When you have free time
otesuki no toki ni o-denwa kudasai(お手すき の 時 に、お電話 ください)=Please call me when you have time
shikarubeki busyo de taiou sasete-itadakimasu(しかるべき 部署 で、対応 させて頂きます。)=The appropriate department will address your issue.
=Sorry for taking your time, I’m sorry for taking up your effort.
otesuudesuga, o-namae wo go-kinyuu kudasai(お手数ですが、お名前 を ご記入 ください)=We apologize for the inconvenience, but please write your name
go-sokurou okake shimasu(ご足労 おかけ します)
=We apologize for the inconvenience.
gosokurou okakeshimasu ga mata go-raiten kudasai(ご足労 おかけします が、また ご来店 ください)=We apologize for the inconvenience, but please visit us again.
o-sewa ni narimasu(お世話になります)
=Thank you for your help, Thank you for the transaction
yoroshiku onegai itashimasu(よろしく お願い いたします)
=Thank you for your support, best regards
go-shisoku(ごしそく・ご子息・御子息)=son,your son
A word used to show respect for someone else’s son
This is a more polite word by adding「go(ご・御)」to「shisoku(子息)」.
goshisoku no kutsu no size(saizu) ha(wa), nan-senchi desu ka?(ご子息の靴のサイズは、何センチですか?)=What size(cm) is your son’s shoes?
A word used by a man to humble himself
syousei ha(wa) kutsu ga suki desu(小生 は 靴 が 好き です)=I like shoes
sore ha(wa), syousei no kutsu desu(それは、小生 の 靴 です)=This is my shoes
temaedomo(てまえども・手前ども)=we、our store
This is a humble way of saying “we、our store.”
temaedomo niha(niwa) goyoui gozaimasenn(手前ども には ご用意 ございません)=we don’t have it、Our store doesn’t have it.
Extra edition (Japanese slang)/番外編(日本語スラング)
In Japan, there are actually a lot of Japanese words that are also called「wakamono-kotoba(若者 言葉/youth language)」that are not included in textbooks.
Please see the page below for more information.They are very useful to remember.
phrase example(フレーズ例)
・kono kutsu mecha-mecha kakkoii(この 靴 めちゃめちゃ カッコイイ)=These shoes are so cool
・ano kutsu ha(wa) oni takai(あの 靴 は 鬼高い)=those shoes are very expensive
・omae no kutsu ha(wa) sugoku iketeru(お前 の 靴 は すごく イケてる)=your shoes is so cool
Related pages(関連ページ)

The size of Japanese leathershoes and the size of nationalbrand sneakers are different.


日本の靴(履物)の歴史を知ろう-History of Japanese shoes(Japan’s Traditional Footwear)
History of Japanese footwear. About the footwear of Japanese people before Western shoes became widespread, such as 草鞋(straw sandals), 雪駄(setta), 下駄(geta), and 足袋(tabi).

Japanese slang/日本語スラング
We will introduce Japanese words that are not official and are not often found in teaching materials or textbooks.

日本全国の靴店検索(Japanese shoe store search)
Shoe store search site throughout Japan.